Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Day # 13:

Saturday night, Marie & I got dinner at the hotel restaurant, which was delicious. All the food here is amazing. I got rice with cheese, which was so good and filling. 

We went out in Torino after and got a few drinks. 

I got a drink called “Sex on the Carpet”. 

We didn’t stay out too late because we planned on going to Milan the next morning. We took a train into Milan. Milan is beautiful. 

It reminded me of New York City in a lot of ways. Milan is really into fashion and brand names. 

The place where we ate lunch was so good as usual. I got tortellini with meat sauce and a salad. 

We did a lot of exploring and went into the Duomo Cathedral. I lit a candle for my mom. 

We got gelato after. It was even better than the gelato we got in Nicholino. 

The cathedral was huge and so pretty inside. You had to pay 2 euros in order to get a wristband to take pictures. 

We went into a few shops and then made our way to the Castello Sforzesco Castle. The castle was humongous.

 Inside was a museum of all the different artifacts such as instruments, dishes and artwork left behind. 

The pictures taken are from inside the castle.

We took the metro back to the train station and caught the train home. We were so happy to find out that they were serving dinner in the hotel when we got back. Usually they serve dinner every night but Sunday’s. I think they were because of our gentlemen friends staying at the hotel. Monday morning we had camp. It was fun because they had dancing in the morning. I danced to all the songs with the kids.

 After camp, Marie and I came back and got ready. We went to dinner with Salvatore and George to a restaurant in Torino. We went to this pizza restaurant that they have in Naples. I got the formaggio cheese pizza, white wine and a salad. They gave us this delicious bread with tomatoes, cheese and peppers cooked in it. I also gave mozzarella a second chance and really liked it. We sipped on Melone. Today at camp, we played Olympic games and danced to songs like Gangham Style. The whole camp dances including the boys. During lunch it was funny because the kids wouldn’t stop talking so one of the counselors Antonio told them “You guys don’t understand what it means to be quiet so maybe if you hear it in a different language from Chelsea you will understand”. He looked at me in front of the entire camp to tell the kids to stop talking. I yelled, “Please stop talking”. Antonio goes “No, in America, Shut up!” I yelled “Shut up”. All the counselors started laughing. The entire time I was thinking that if I told the kids in America to shut up I would be in so much trouble. Here, it doesn’t matter. Camp was very long and hot today. We ate dinner at the hotel restaurant. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks that I have been here. It seems like it flew by but at the same time it feels like I have been here for a month.

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