Thursday, July 3, 2014

Today was officially my 1st day in Turin. My plane for Turin took off from Germany at 8:45AM. I fell asleep immediately and slept through the 1 hour flight.

I woke up in Turin. It was interesting to see the mountains as we were landing. I got off the plane and I had to find my luggage which I was worried about but it went fine. I waited about an hour before someone came and picked me up. My roommate was supposed to get in an hour after me and we'd get picked up together. She ended up having her flight canceled. A man came to the airport with a sign that read CHELSEA SURPRENANT. It was about a 45 minute drive to my hotel. It was hard because the driver didn't know a lot of English. I was trying to explain to him that I was sick. He wanted to bring me right to the camp. I was trying to tell him that I needed to rest because I was sick. He figured out that I wanted to go to the hotel first. When we arrived, it was good that another man who worked there knew English pretty well so he explained to him that I was sick. I ended up passing out for a few hours. The antibiotics are starting to kick in and I feel a lot better. When I woke up I went downstairs and met this worker named Paolo. He seems really nice and cool. He gave me some tea. Eventually the 2 people in charge of the camp and Julia got back. They told me that I would start on Monday working at the camp. Julia is really cool and nice. I ended up showering and getting ready and the 2 of us took a bus to Turin. I'm staying on the outskirts of Turin. It is a beautiful place. We went out to dinner at a really nice restaurant. I got a salad and this really good pasta dish. It felt so natural talking with Julia. She's really down to earth and chill. It sucks she leaves Saturday morning because she's already been here for 2 weeks.

I'm nervous meeting my roommate Marie tomorrow. It was nice having Julia show me around and for someone to do something with. I also met her roommate Sarah who seems really nice. She leaves tomorrow morning. She's been here for a month. She lived with a host family for 2 weeks then stayed in the hotel the other 2 weeks. I feel like this experience is humbling me and it's only been 2 days. It makes you appreciate little things that we all take for granted. You would never think how hard it is to communicate to people who don't understand you at all. It may sound hard but it's a lot harder when you experience it. It can be overwhelming at times. A part of me is feeling a little homesick. I think it has to do with being tired, jet lagged and sick. I felt emotional when I was on the phone with my mom a few hours ago. I didn't realize how much I would miss her. I really think this experience will give me a different perspective on life. I am excited to go out tomorrow night.

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